This folder contains all the software and data used in the preparation of the article by: Davies S., Gait A., Rowley A., and Di Nuovo A. "Supervised Learning of Spatial Features with STDP and Homeostasis Using Spiking Neural Networks on SpiNNaker" The data and code are subject to the CC BY license, which can be found in the LICENSE.txt file within the same folder. If this software or data is used in derived publications, a citation to the mentioned article is appreciated by the authors. The software is designed to run on the SpiNNaker system. To install the relevant software, please check the instructions at: The code used for this publication is drawn directly from git repositories. The latest commit of the repositories used are: The PyNN interface used is downloaded from the link below and has version 0.11.0: Although it has not been tested, this code should also work with the most recent sPyNNaker release on PyPI (v7.1.0) and with the upcoming version (8.0) that will be distributed through PyPI. All code has been run on Python 3.12 using the IPython command shell. The IPython interface is required to run this code. The files are saved in Pickle format, which is a serialisation library included in this version of Python. For completeness and future reference, this specific version of the Pickle library is included in this folder in the file Data shared: - saved_data/One pattern - Information recorded from the simulation of a spiking neural network trained on a single pattern - saved_data/Two patterns - Information recorded from the simulation of a spiking neural network trained on two patterns - saved_data/Three patterns - Information recorded from the simulation of a spiking neural network trained on three patterns - Graphs - The 3D graphs presented in the article Code shared: - BatchGeneration - Code used to generate large simulation batches for testing the spiking neural network with two and three trained patterns - HammingDistance - Code used to compute the Hamming Distance between all combination of numbers in the range 0 - 1023 - - Batch file which runs the spiking neural network simulation, trains the network on a single pattern, and retrieves all the information required to extract the metrics relevant to the publication at the end of the simulation. - - Batch file which runs the spiking neural network simulation, trains the network on two patterns, and retrieves all the information required to extract the metrics relevant to the publication at the end of the simulation. - - Batch file which runs the spiking neural network simulation, trains the network on three patterns, and retrieves all the information required to extract the metrics relevant to the publication at the end of the simulation. - - Python script that extracts the metrics relevant to the publication from the simulations in the folder saved_data/One pattern. The extracted metrics are written to the file "output_metrics_1.csv". - - Python script that extracts the metrics relevant to the publication from the simulations in the folder saved_data/Two patterns. The extracted metrics are written to the file "output_metrics_2.csv". - - Python script that extracts the metrics relevant to the publication from the simulations in the folder saved_data/Three patterns. The extracted metrics are written to the file "output_metrics_3.csv". This script also generates the graphs used in Figure 6 of the paper. - output_metrics_1.csv - Metrics extracted from the simulation of a spiking neural network trained on a single pattern. - output_metrics_2.csv - Metrics extracted from the simulation of a spiking neural network trained on two patterns. - output_metrics_2.ods - Similar to the above, but data is reorganised accordingly to the publication requirements - output_metrics_3.csv - Metrics extracted from the simulation of a spiking neural network trained on three patterns. - output_metrics_3.ods - Similar to the above, but data is reorganised accordingly to the publication requirements - - This script is used to train a spiking neural network on one or more patterns. The script prompts the user to input the patterns to be impressed on the network. The outcome of this training is placed in the saved_data folder in pickle file format, which is commonly used in Python. - - This script is used to post-process the synaptic weights after the network has been trained. Input files are in pickle format from the saved_data folder. The output is stored in the same saved_data folder. - - This script calculates the homeostatic value needed to adjust the synaptic weights, ensuring the output neuron fires at most once for the correct input pattern(s). The code prompts the user to input the pattern(s) to be checked. The homeostatic value is searched within the range of 0 to 100. - - This script tests the network with all possible input patterns. Twenty-five patterns are tested simultaneously across 25 identical networks running in parallel on the SpiNNaker system. The output of these simulations is stored in the saved_data folder. - - Pickle file library included in Python 3.12. This is present here for future reference. Information on this library is available at: Additional folders present: - logs - reports Although these folders are empty, they are required to run the simulation software within the current folder.