McErlain, Alex, Brown, Christie, Griffiths-Jones, Julia, Simmonds, Amanda, Turrell, Elizabeth, Haywood, Kate, Florey-Hitchcox, Clare and Ocheduszko, Megan (2018) Drawing Inspirations. Craft in The Bay, 17 December 2016 - 06 November 2016. (Unpublished)
This exhibition looks at the relationship of drawing to an artists work. Curated by Alex McErlain who first explored this theme in 2007 with an exhibition called 'Firing Thoughts' shown at Manchester School of Art - a ceramics focused show, Drawing Inspirations looks at the broader field of practice and examines the myriad approaches that constitute the meaning of drawing to the artist and how their work is conceived and developed. Drawing as a conceptual tool for thinking and creative development also acts as a means of translation and interpretation in material substance. Drawing is viewed as a foundational additive or reductive process to work with material.
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